Saturday, January 10, 2015

Letter to My Younger Self

I've seen a few videos on YouTube of people giving advice to their younger selves. I've wondered what I would tell my younger self at times. At this point, though, I think it's time to stop wondering and just get it out.

Dear 2007 me,
8 years from now, you will be sitting at a computer in a dorm basement typing out this blog post to yourself. You've been through some interesting times by 2007 and probably feel like you've barely come through emotionally in the past year. In fact, you're trying to not think about it. But, some of the best times are ahead of you. There are places you will go and people you will meet that will shape your vision of the person you want to become. Be flexible, though. You will think you have a plan on more than one occasion, but it won't always work out. That's okay. You know that God changes people's plans. However, people change, too. You are not exempt from this. It's a good thing.

Right now, you don't know how much of a romantic you are. Your ideas of what you want are actually more idealized than you think; you just think that they're practical. They're not. Life is not as clear-cut as we'd like it to be. Whether you choose to believe it or not, you will, in fact, come to a point where you decide that it's okay to date, even to let a guy know that you're interested. Don't change what you're presently doing in that area right now, though. That guy you have a crush on right now isn't worth it. I know you'll do what's best in the long run and keep your mouth shut. After him, though, you will have to adjust that mindset.
You will have times when you wonder if you're supposed to be single for the rest of your life. Right now, you would find that a strange notion, but there are things which will happen to you that will change the way you see the world. I know that you're looking forward to traveling across the world. That's going to be a big life-changer. College is going to be good, too. In college, you will develop friendships which will help you heal from several wounds which are fresher than you want to admit right now. No, you probably won't have a best friend in a good long while. But, that's okay. You'll still have close friendships and people to guide you.

Keep loving the Lord. He is your hope. Your perspective of Him is going to change as you grow up because you're going to get to know Him more deeply. Keep being positive. Keep letting yourself cry when you need to. In all things, remember, "The joy of the Lord is my strength."

In His grip,
2015 me