Thursday, September 2, 2010

Firsts A1 Through K1

This is a blog about some of my "firsts" as I go into adulthood. Some of these firsts I'll need to go ahead and list in this post. They haven't been overwhelming, just abundant. I'm listing them in alphabetical/numerical order. This way once I go past 26 firsts, I can keep going.

First A1: Been asked if I was married. I have a purity ring that I wear on my left hand, and it's not one of those "true love waits" rings. It's nice.
First B1: Tried out vegetarianism. It was a day after Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve thing. I lost weight, but I gained it all back again once I went back to meat.
First C1: Got a Facebook account. This was during the vegetarian stage.
First D1: Joined a church group for my age that was actually any good when I got there. As my dad put it, it seemed that I was always ending up in a group my age a year or two too late. The group would have been really great and thriving just before I got there, and then it would collapse with no fault of my own. Now, I'm in the most awesome college-age group. I've been so encouraged by my new friends. I love you guys!
First E1: Got a job as a nanny. I love kids, and it seems that this job suits me well. I call it training for motherhood.
First F1: Got a car. It was the best price ever: free. (Long story.) Its name is Elizabeth, after my best friend's middle name.
First G1: Gained a good friend who is 11 years older than me and the opposite gender. It must have been a God thing. Otherwise, I would have said, "Ew."
First H1: Met a former lesbian. It took long enough, and yet I never thought it would be the person it was. (Another long story.)
First I1: Started college. I'm majoring in Elementary Education.
First J1: A guy I didn't know tried to give me his phone number. It made me nervous, but I was ok. The guy was polite about it. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say to God, "I wish that hadn't happened," or "Thank You for letting me know I'm pretty."
First K1: Met two people from the same foreign country at the same place, let alone the same town. Let's just say that if you don't live in my state, you're not likely to have heard of my town before. If you don't live in the country, it's pretty much guaranteed that you've never heard of it.

I hope you enjoy journeying with me through the firsts of my adulthood.

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