Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Favorite People: A post inspired by a friend

I have a friend who made a post about her favorite people. These people inspired her in godly ways, such as enthusiasm over the little things. I decided to make a similar post, going from furthest back to newest.

This man, has known me since before I was born. In fact, he knew a little about me before I was past egg stage. He has been friends with my dad since his senior year of high school.
 He is like an uncle to me. Growing up, he would read to the children in our families with a voice they could put on the radio for bed-time stories.He has a sense of humor which I have enjoyed my whole life. It's silly, but it continues to create wonderful memories. 

Next up is the one peer who has known me since before I was born. We "officially" met while our mothers were pregnant. . 
Afterwards, we would see each other every year or so. We have never lived in the same state, but have maintained a friendship throughout the years. She is the closest thing to a sister that I haveThis young lady's laugh, smile, and determination make me thing of the joys which God has blessed me with. 

The next in line is a whole family of lovely people. This family was a source of help which no one else could supply. The father is laid back, never raises his voice, but makes his point clear. The mother is vibrant and outgoing. The daughter is much like her mother, yet more of a social
butterfly. She is two days older than me, and is the first person I have ever connected with immediately. The son is steadfast and a highly talented musician. (You should hear him on the fiddle.) The reason this family is so dear to my heart is they lead my family in training to go overseas. Without them, the experience wouldn't have been the same. 
This man unknowingly taught me the beauty of going with the flow. He seems like a regular Joe, but he has had many an adventure in his travels. Some of his stories leave me wondering, "How have you survived this long?" He is a filmmaker and recently won several awards for his documentary "Circle the Wagen," an adventure which led him to the discovery of a Volkswagen underground. Every time I see him, it's on the opposite side of the earth than when last we met. 

Since I reached college, I have been abundantly blessed with friends. However, these people are the ones who leave me in wonder of my Heavenly Daddy. 

This wonderful young lady I like to call "Frodo." She calls me "Sam." We go on little adventures here and there, share stories from our times overseas, and vent to one another. Sometimes we simply do homework in the same room, "just existing together," as she says. It's a comfort which she greatly enjoys. Frodo has shown me that sometimes words don't need to be said in order to understand that God's presence is in people's hearts. 

This incredibly beautiful family leads the Christian college group I attend. They are young, but still more experienced than the rest of us. As you can see in the photo, they have a 1-year-old son. What you can't see is that they have a little girl on the way. Their love for God and for one another is beautifully expressed by their commitment to each other and to us. 
And last, but not least...

This young man is a wonderful expression of Christ in my life. Though he has a child-like feistiness (as shown above), he also has a very adult level of wisdom. He has a tender heart which cannot keep tears back when it sees sadness, sees Christ in the unusual, or thinks of Heaven. I have cried with him over simply discussing what Heaven will be like. He is my college brother. 

These are not all of my favorite people, but they are at the top of the list. So many people have come and gone from my life who have shown me what God is like. 

When I see these people whom my Heavenly Daddy has placed in my life, I realize how truly blessed I am. I don't deserve to be this blessed. This is why it's a good thing that life isn't fair. Our Father gives us good things, and among those good things are people who inspire us to look to Him. I thank Him for them and know that there are still more to come. 

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