Thursday, December 16, 2010

First T1

I know that a lot of American girls my age have had this happen to them tens or hundreds of times already, but as I am just now being put in the "real world", this is my very first time. I was just asked out on a date.
I was on Facebook checking all my updates when I saw that there was a private message for me. I clicked on it thinking, "Oh this is probably from so-and-so." It was not from that person (who is female, by the way). It was from a guy I have only seen a couple of times at school and who is planning to attend next semester. The message was short, simple, and straightforward; he wanted to take me to dinner while I was on Christmas break. I feel bad for the guy, because right now my gut reaction to anyone, no matter who they are, is "No." I don't think I'm ready to be thinking about marriage, and the only reason I would go out with a guy is if I had any inclination to consider marrying him. In addition to that, I need to focus on school and God. Hopefully, he won't be too upset about it.
Note: It's unfortunate that this one should be entitled, "T1," because that's the nickname of a rough, but dear to my heart, Toyota. My dad described it as not being a very good car, but a great tractor. I never drove it, but BOY was it fun to ride in... as long as I didn't have a stomach ache.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

First S1

For the very first time in my life, I tried sushi. Some acquaintances from school discovered that I'd never had sushi before, and insisted that I was missing out. They, desiring sushi for themselves anyway, bought some at the nearest grocery store. I went ahead and tried some. It didn't taste at all like I expected it too. It seems to mainly consist of rice, seaweed, and whatever tiny amount of tasteless seafood can be squeezed into the center. I was also made to try some cheap wasabi. It tasted like grass goo. I don't think I'll be having cheap wasabi again, but I decided that I do like sushi. However, even the cheap sushi is rather expensive, so I won't be adding it to my regular diet.
I've been trying out the spinach idea, and have discovered that it's not the best plan. Spinach, it seems, is not very filling, and so I am forced to eat a sandwich at the cafe. Oh well. At least I'm getting more greens in. :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I found a way to resolve my diet predicament. Because it has been rather expensive for me to buy lunch at the cafeteria, I am replacing the unhealthy sandwiches with store-bought baby spinach. It is A LOT cheaper. In order to make sure that the rest of my family did not get to my spinach, I put masking tape on the container and wrote on it, "You eat this, I shoot you." I know that this sounds rather selfish, but otherwise my mother will very likely try to use my spinach for other purposes. MY spinach!
Now that I have greens at my disposal, I can get in my much-needed nutrition during lunch. Perhaps this strange diet will actually work.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ok, so my made up diet didn't work out. I have to buy my lunch at school, and they pretty much have meat, meat, meat, and more meat. On top of that, my mom usually sticks some meat into out supper, so I was finding it pretty much impossible to have meat only once a day. At least I know that the diet wasn't really working very well.

First R1

I'm on my very first "fall break". It seems rather random to me, but I'm going to try to enjoy it as much as I can. I still have work, but I get some free time around it. Yes, college life is the good life... so far.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

First Q1

I went out incognito just for the fun of it. As I mentioned in my last post, I inadvertently bought a blond wig while waiting to see if I would get an allergic reaction to my vaccination. Being very bored one day, I put on the wig, my dress suit, and high heels and went to Taco Bell. No one seemed to notice... except my neighbor, who saw me go outside the house. It's such fun going about in a disguise. However, I won't be doing it again for some time.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First P1

I went for the first time by myself to get a vaccination. My boss wanted me to get a flu shot so the kids wouldn't get the illness. I was a little bit nervous having to get a vaccination, but, due to the fact that I've had to have three or four other vaccinations in the past three years, it wasn't that bad. When I got the shot, the doctor commented, "Huh, most people look away when they get a shot, but you wanted to see it." I'm not sure what made me want to do that.
Walgreens gave me a coupon for $3 off of any purchase of $15 or more. Unfortunately, it was only valid for THAT DAY. After my vaccination, the doctor recommended that I walk around for 10-15 minutes in order to make sure that if I did have a reaction to the vaccination, I'd be near a doctor. This meant wandering around the Walgreens for 15 minutes. I stupidly ended up buying a bombshell blond wig, white eyeliner, and a red feather boa with my puny coupon. At least I have a back-up plan for whatever next costume party I attend!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First O1

I've been hit on in the past, but I've never considered how to respond to this rude activity until a few days ago. I was passing by some guys at my college, and one of them turned around and said, "Holaaa." I didn't say anything or look at him. However, once I was inside, I thought, "Man, I should have said, 'Ana la atakelemw Ispaniata, kelba,' just to confuse him." (The statement is in Arabic, and it means, "I don't speak Spanish, dog.") It made me laugh later.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Firsts M1 and N1

I forgot to put this in my first post, but I paid my very first insurance bill and my first tank of gas. My parents told me that in order to have a car, I had to pay for the gas and the insurance. Responsibility is important.

Friday, September 3, 2010

First L1

I started my own diet. I only allow myself to eat meat (red or white) once a day, if at all. It's not an all-out thing. I'm trying to see if I lose any weight and to see if I'll do as well health-wise as my friend who eats meat like it's water. Let's just say it's an experiment. Hopefully, it'll go well.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Firsts A1 Through K1

This is a blog about some of my "firsts" as I go into adulthood. Some of these firsts I'll need to go ahead and list in this post. They haven't been overwhelming, just abundant. I'm listing them in alphabetical/numerical order. This way once I go past 26 firsts, I can keep going.

First A1: Been asked if I was married. I have a purity ring that I wear on my left hand, and it's not one of those "true love waits" rings. It's nice.
First B1: Tried out vegetarianism. It was a day after Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve thing. I lost weight, but I gained it all back again once I went back to meat.
First C1: Got a Facebook account. This was during the vegetarian stage.
First D1: Joined a church group for my age that was actually any good when I got there. As my dad put it, it seemed that I was always ending up in a group my age a year or two too late. The group would have been really great and thriving just before I got there, and then it would collapse with no fault of my own. Now, I'm in the most awesome college-age group. I've been so encouraged by my new friends. I love you guys!
First E1: Got a job as a nanny. I love kids, and it seems that this job suits me well. I call it training for motherhood.
First F1: Got a car. It was the best price ever: free. (Long story.) Its name is Elizabeth, after my best friend's middle name.
First G1: Gained a good friend who is 11 years older than me and the opposite gender. It must have been a God thing. Otherwise, I would have said, "Ew."
First H1: Met a former lesbian. It took long enough, and yet I never thought it would be the person it was. (Another long story.)
First I1: Started college. I'm majoring in Elementary Education.
First J1: A guy I didn't know tried to give me his phone number. It made me nervous, but I was ok. The guy was polite about it. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say to God, "I wish that hadn't happened," or "Thank You for letting me know I'm pretty."
First K1: Met two people from the same foreign country at the same place, let alone the same town. Let's just say that if you don't live in my state, you're not likely to have heard of my town before. If you don't live in the country, it's pretty much guaranteed that you've never heard of it.

I hope you enjoy journeying with me through the firsts of my adulthood.