Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"She's here!": A story from a young mother

I mentioned a few months ago a young family which was expecting a baby girl. The first week of December, she arrived. We students kept hearing, "You have to hear the story of how it happened." A group of us wanted to do something to say, "Thank you," for all this young family has done for us, so we prepared a breakfast-for-dinner meal for them on Saturday of that week. When we arrived to deliver the food, the mother (I'll call her M) was up and walking, holding the baby. We were a little surprised, but happy for her all the same. The father (I'll call him P) invited us to stay and hear the story, but only myself and one of the other students could stay. After the commotion of, "Thank yous," and, "Goodbyes," were over, we sat down. (I got to hold the little one.)
M began the story. She said that she had gone in for her doctor's appointment, having begun some light contractions. She was told that she was a certain number of mm or cm dilated. However, with her first child, it had taken about three weeks of on again, off again contractions before he was born. So, she went home and let the contractions continue. M had planned to go to watch a movie in the evening at a friend's house. She decided to watch the intensity of her contractions before officially deciding to go. Happily, she was able to go. The contractions continued, but were light enough that she could carry on conversation.
When M arrived home, her contractions intensified. She and P decided that she would lie in the bedroom and he would sleep in the living room, as her pains required a vocal release, so to speak. Around 3:00 am, the contractions were at 4.5 minutes apart. M informed P that it was time for the baby to come.
At this point, P took up the story. He went to pack the car and make the needed phone calls. Ten minutes later, M announced that she needed to use the bathroom. She commented that her thought was that it would be the last chance she would have to do so. P completed his packing five minutes later and announced so to M. He was about to ask, "Can you put your shoes on, your would you like me to put them on you?" when she cried, "She's here!"
P's initial thought was that M was crowning or something. However, when he walked into the bathroom, his wife was sitting on the toilet holding their daughter. He was shocked. He said that his first thought was, "I've failed." M said that the look on his face was a mixture of surprise and horror. She asked him if they ought to call an ambulance. (The afterbirth had not yet come out, and they were concerned that M might have internal bleeding.) P went to do so just as a friend of theirs arrived to care for their son while they were away. She helped M snap out of her own shock by suggesting they put a blanket or towel around the newborn.
The ambulance took M and the baby to the birthing spa they had planned to go to. M was checked for any problems at the destination and the baby was attended to.
Their daughter's name means, "blind faith." As I held her during M and P's story, I looked down at her from time to time and thought, "What a precious gift you are." Children truly are a blessing from God. Praises be that this little one has come into our lives. 

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